When to buy a school bag?

Wann Schulranzen kaufen
Wann Schulranzen kaufen

When to Buy a School bag? This is a common concern for many parents.

When to Buy a School bag? What is the Best Time?

The start of school is approaching, and the whole family is excited – but the right school backpack is still missing. Should you buy it right after registering at the elementary school, shortly before school starts, or sometime in between? Each time has its own advantages. Here you will find out when the best time is to buy the first school backpack.

Advantages of Buying a School bag Early

Registration for the first grade usually takes place in October of the year before school starts. Excitement and anticipation rise, and perhaps the children want to choose their school backpack right away. Buying early has several advantages: You have enough time to gather information, compare different models and prices. Often, at this time of year, there are still leftover stocks from the last collections available at particularly favorable prices.

If you choose the school backpack early, you can check this item off your list, your preschooler is happy and can look forward to the start of school for a long time. Additionally, you have the opportunity to give supplementary items and accessories for the school backpack over time. This way, not everything ends up in the child’s room at once.

Which bag is Right for My Child?

In our model finder, we recommend the suitable school bag for your child. Here you will find all the features and special characteristics of our models clearly presented.

Disadvantages of Buying a School bag Early

An advantage can also be a disadvantage: The models from the last collection are cheaper, but they are also not the newest. The latest trends may not yet be available. Additionally, children’s tastes can change before school starts. Who knows three-quarters of a year in advance whether turquoise will still be the favorite color or if everything should be designed in a football theme? Another disadvantage: Children grow until school starts, making it difficult to determine the perfect fit. Also, the warranty starts from the purchase date, not from the start of school. So if defects occur in the first or second grade, a large part of the warranty period has already expired.

Buying a School bag at the Beginning of the Year?

Many parents start looking for the right school backpack from January or February of the school year. This could also be a good time for you: The new collections are available, the selection of models and designs is large – at this time, no desired school backpack should be sold out yet. Even with long delivery times, there is still enough time until the start of school. Even now, you still have plenty of opportunities to buy or give supplementary accessories if you don’t want to present everything at once.

Of course, there are also risks when buying at the beginning of the year: The start of school is still more than half a year away, and tastes and body sizes can change during this time. Therefore, we recommend choosing a school backpack that can grow with your child – for example, with a height-adjustable carrying system like the “Your-Size-System” from ergobag.


Tabelle – When to buy a school bag?

ModelWeightVolumeSpecial FeaturesPrice (approx.)
Ergobag Cubo1.1 kg19 LHeight-adjustable carrying system, reflective surfaces200 €
Scout Alpha1.2 kg20.5 LErgonomic back padding, many designs220 €
Step by Step Touch 21.1 kg20 LMagnetic closure, height-adjustable carrying system210 €

When to Buy a School bag? – Conclusion

The best time to buy a school backpack depends on various factors. Buying early offers the advantage of having enough time to gather information and possibly snag cheaper models from the last collection. However, there is a risk that your child’s taste and body size may change before school starts. Buying at the beginning of the year offers a wide selection of current models and enough time for any delivery delays. Ultimately, you should choose the time that best suits your child’s needs and preferences. Remember to choose a school backpack that can grow with your child to ensure long-term satisfaction.

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