What do I need to consider when having a pool in the garden?


A private pool in the garden is the dream of many homeowners. However, before deciding on a model, there are some important factors to consider. In this article, you will learn what to look for when choosing and building a pool to enjoy it for a long time.

Choosing the Location for pool in the garden 

The location of the pool is crucial for its use and maintenance. Make sure to place the pool in a sunny spot so that the water can naturally warm up. Avoid locations near trees, as falling leaves and branches can contaminate the pool.

Pool Type and Material 

There are different types of pools and materials, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:

Concrete Pools: Very stable and durable, offering custom design options.

Stainless Steel Pools: Elegant and weather-resistant, but more expensive to purchase.

Plastic Pools (GFK): Lightweight and easy to install, but less flexible in shape.

Styrofoam Pools: Good insulation and easy to assemble, ideal for DIY projects.

Water Treatment and Maintenance 

A good pool requires efficient water treatment to keep the water clean and clear. Modern filtration systems and pumps are essential. Additionally, a UV lamp can help kill bacteria and germs.


Safety should always come first. Install a pool cover or fence to prevent accidents, especially if children live in the household. Non-slip materials around the pool are also recommended.

Costs and Budget 

A pool is an investment, so you should realistically plan your budget. Consider not only the purchase costs but also the ongoing costs for maintenance, water, and electricity.

Permits and Regulations 

Find out about local building regulations and permits required for building a pool. This can vary by region and is important to avoid legal issues.


A private pool can be a wonderful addition to your home if you make the right decisions. Pay attention to the location, material, water treatment, and safety to enjoy your pool for a long time. Here you will find a selection for your garden.


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